In Latin America, an area full of biodiversity, natural landscapes, multiple shades of green and tropical climate, there is an invaluable gastronomic richness. From its abundant soil, grow multiple and unique crops of fruits and vegetables, among the most popular and favorite of Latinos, are plantains.
The plantain is the most cultivated tropical fruit and one of the four most important in the world. It has occupied a privileged place at the table, both in sweet and savory dishes, being a symbol of abundance and culinary diversity.
In the world of snackstraditionally, potatoes have been number one in chips and savory snacks, however, in recent years with the growing interest in healthier options and the search for authentic flavors, plantains have positioned themselves as a fresh and fun option for everyone.
Platanitos stand out for their versatility and connection to Latin American culture. Plus, did you know that these snacks are an excellent source of key nutrients such as vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fiber?
Their unique flavor and crunchy texture make them irresistible, they are the perfect complement to many dishes and dips such as: sandwiches, salads, guacamole, cream cheese, among others. At Barberi Internacional we love them and that's why, in our plantain chips brands: Mayte y Lulúwe offer options that not only satisfy your cravings during the day with unique and varied flavors, but also help you maintain a proper nutritional balance.
The versatility of platanitos is not only in their flavor and authenticity, they are also perfect to accompany any type of plan: picnics, classes, meetings, parties, barbecues, and share time with all social circles, including family, friends, classmates, team, partner, among others. And you know what the best part is? You can easily take them anywhere and let everyone enjoy the crunch.
Do you dare to try our plantain chips? We bet you'll want more than one.